Frequently asked questions

Are all the gyms 24 hours?

Yes, all the gyms are operated 24/7. However, it will close twice a month for housekeeping

What are the payment mode for services?

We accept NETS, VISA, MASTERCARD as well as cash in Singapore dollars

How long can I stay in the gym?

You can stay as long you want! Please take care of yourself if you are staying for 24 hours

Is the fuel bar opened 24 hours?

Yes, fuel bar is open 24 hours with three 1 hour closures at 8 a.m, 4 p.m and 10 p.m respectively

Can I get a refund if I cancel my gym membership?

Only within the first week of registration

Can I use the gym membership card for the other GymSquare in Singapore?


What is the minimum age to enter the gym?

14 years old is the minimum age

If I do not have a gym membership, what is the cost of entry to the gym?

The cost is $6 on the weekdays and $8 on the weekends

Still got any questions? Simply drop us a message!